Next week will be the end of the first quarter of school already! Oh, how the time flies!
Quality classroom instruction......
What does quality classroom instruction look like? It can include many different things; however, one of the main elements that the teachers at the Lone Tree Elementary School are beginning to incorporate on a more consistent basis is the use of goal setting and analyzing data with their students. Students are learning to set learning goals, graph their progress, and celebrate their successes with their classmates.
Why is goal setting and data collection important for students? We are trying to teach students to work toward something and identify whether or not they have achieved or met their goal. When students meet their goal, they are then able to create a new goal to work toward. If the goal is not reached, the teacher and the student revisit the goal and decide what practice might be needed in order to reach the goal. For example, all students need to be proficient, or reach a grade level expectation, in the area of math fact practice. If the students do not know what the classroom goal is and do not monitor their progress, how will they ever know if they are improving? Letting students know the expectation and helping them goal set and monitor their progress keeps students motivated to make progress and meet their goals!
Thank you....Thank you....Thank you!
Our running club was a huge success! We had over 90 kids that stayed after school to exercise with some of our staff members. Thank you to Molly Pierson for helping with the healthy snacks. Also, thank you to the following teachers for VOLUNTEERING their precious after school time: Katie Graf, Tina Feldman, Barb Wilson, Sarah Pourroy, Allison Staak, Kelsey Lage, Kelsey Teubel, Kylie Ronan, Kari Cushion, and Kylie Schipper.
From the community......
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all you did to make Running Club a huge success! The time and energy you put into each day was fabulous! Between the shirt and the snacks, I truly think $15 was a steal! Thanks for caring about the children and their health!!!
Looking forward to the
Spring club!
For the past eight weeks, the elementary has been focusing on practicing good sportsmanship at recess and in the classroom. What does good sportsmanship look like? Sometimes it is easier to give examples of what is poor sportsmanship, but in PBIS, we focus on teaching kids by giving them positive examples. The positive examples of good sportsmanship include giving your best effort at all times, being respectful to teammates, opponents, referees, and fans, celebrate respectfully, and showing encouragement to all athletes. Below are our PBIS Sportsmanship winners!
Community visitors.......
Thank you to the Lone Tree and Fire Rescue for taking the time to allow our Preschool students a tour of the firehouse and for coming to our school to teach all of the students about Fire Safety!
Every Friday, the teachers have a "Friday Theme Day". What is Friday Theme Day? Well, all the staff in the elementary secretly do something that is the same. All day long, the students try to figure out what is the same with everyone. Can you figure this one out?