Monday, September 15, 2014

What do teachers do when we get out of school early on Wednesdays....
Each Wednesday, the teachers meet in a group called a Professional Learning Community or a PLC. For eighty minutes, the teachers are collaborating with a focus around leadership, curriculum and instruction, assessment, and student learning. During this time, there are four essential questions that the group focuses around. These questions are 1) What is it we expect students to learn? 2) How will we know when student have learned it? 3) How will we respond when students don't learn it? 4) How will we respond when students already know it? Although this is just the beginning of this work, we are hoping to see some great changes in the classroom that will benefit all of our students.

From the community....
A parent sent a note about an incident that happened at the bus pick-up this week. A car neglected the school bus stop sign and arm even though our bus driver, Terry Kruse, had pulled into the center of the road to try and inhibit any traffic from going through. She just wanted to make sure and thank him and our school district for everything we do to keep our kids safe. Terry has always been wonderful to our kids and today she cannot thank him enough for watching out for them!

PBIS focus of the month....
This month the elementary kids will be focusing on Sportsmanship. Sportsmanship is an aspiration that a sport or activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors. Sportsmanship is so important in the lives of our children and the behaviors associated with sportsmanship begin at such an early age. The focus for our students will be to 1) accept the decisions of the officials, 2) encourage all players, 3) model appropriate language and behaviors at all times, and 4) follow the rules of the games at all times. The staff will be looking for students displaying these behaviors throughout the next month.

Practice makes perfect….
Four times a year, we as a building, the students will walk through the fire and tornado procedures to better prepare in case of an emergency. If you drove by the school last Tuesday, you would have seen the students exiting the building as they practiced the first fire drill for the year. In addition to fire and tornado drills we will be adding an evacuation drill this year. On the afternoon of  September 23rd,  the students will walk through the procedures that the school has in place if the building was ever in need of evacuation during school hours. Please remember that this is just a drill and like all drills will prepare us and help our students feel confident in their actions if the need arises.

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